Executive Order Detail

This executive order you see below is from the year 2015. It was signed by the Governor on Friday, Jun 12.

The content you see below is the result of an automated analysis of the original document. As a result it there may be artifacts or inaccuracies not present in the original. For more information, please visit the executive-orders project.











The General Assembly passed House Bill 310 during the 2015 Legislative
Session, which provides that the supervision of felony probationers and
parolees shall be assigned to the newly created Department of Community
Supervision; and

The new agency, Department of Community Supervision, will operate
under the direction of the newly created Board of Community Supervision
per House Bill 310; and

House Bill 310 further provides that the Governor’s Office of Transition,
Support and Reentry is statutorily created and assigned to the Department
of Community Supervision for administrative purposes; and

House Bill 310 provides in O.C.G.A. 42-3-7 for the transfer of all
personnel, equipment and facilities previously employed by the
Department of Corrections and the State Board of Pardons and Paroles in
their respective felony probation and parole supervision functions to the
Department of Community Supervision and the Governor’s Office of
Transition, Support and Reentry; and

House Bill 310 further administratively assigns to the Department of
Community Supervision any personnel who are required by the terms of
his or her employment to comply with the requirements of the Georgia
Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Act, though these personnel
will remain with their respective employing agency for the performance of
their duties; and

It has been determined that it is in the best interests of the state for
efficiency and transparency to transfer personnel as whole departmental
units from their respective agencies for the creation of the Department of
Community Supervision’s Field Supervision Program rather than split
civilian administrative staff and Georgia POST certified staff into transfers
over two fiscal years; and