Executive Order Detail

This executive order you see below is from the year 2014. It was signed by the Governor on Monday, Jun 16.

The content you see below is the result of an automated analysis of the original document. As a result it there may be artifacts or inaccuracies not present in the original. For more information, please visit the executive-orders project.









House Bill 794 passed the House of Representatives on February
20, 2014, and passed the Senate on March 18, 2014; and

I signed House Bill 794 on April 12, 2014 and the bill's effective date
is April 12, 2014; and

On April 23, 2014, the Governor for the State of Alaska signed into law
House Bill 284, Alasl<a’s version of the Compact for a Balanced Budget
thereby forming a compact between the States of Georgia and Alaska;

House Bill 794 statutorily created the Compact for a Balanced Budget
for the purpose of evidencing that every State enacting, adopting and
agreeing to be bound by the Compact intends to ensure that their
respective Legislature’s use of the power to originate a Balanced
Budget Amendment under Article V of the Constitution of the United
States will be exercised conveniently and with reasonable certainty as
to the consequences thereof; and

Article IV of the Compact for a Balanced Budget establishes a Compact
Commission, which has the power and duty to (a)to appoint and
oversee a Compact Administrator; (b) to encourage States to join the
Compact and Congress to call the Convention in accordance with the
Compact; (c) to coordinate the performance of obligations under the
Compact; (d) to oversee the Convention’s logistical operations as
appropriate to ensure this Compact governs its proceedings; (e) to
oversee the defense and enforcement of the Compact in appropriate
legal venues; (f) to request funds and to disburse those funds to
support the operations of the Commission, Compact Administrator,
and Convention; and (g) to cooperate with any entity that shares a
common interest with the Commission and engages in policy research,
public interest litigation or lobbying in support of the purposes of the
Compact; and