Executive Order Detail

This executive order you see below is from the year 2013.

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The State of Georgia holds title to, and the Department of Natural
Resources (hereinafter the “DNR”) is the custodian of, approximately
1,070.534 acres of real property in Land Lots 228-229, 233-235, 271,
272, 275, 276, 313 and 314 of the 13th Land District of Houston
County, Georgia, (hereinafter the “Premises”), as more fully described
in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated
herein by reference; and

Proceeds from tax-exempt, general obligation bonds issued or
guaranteed by the State of Georgia were spent, in whole or in part,
on the Premises or improvements or appurtenant thereto, and said
bonds have not been retired or defeased; and

Effective July 1, 2011, the Georgia Agricultural Exposition Authority
was assigned to the Department of Agriculture by O.C.G.A. 2-3-3,
and DNR has determined that custody and control of the above
Premises need to be transferred to the Department of Agriculture
with the exception of the 22.22 acre portion of the Premises upon
which DNR operates the Go Fish Education Center (hereinafter the
“Go Fish Tract”), as more fully described in the map attached hereto
as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference; and

The Georgia Agricultural Exposition Authority, at its meeting on
August 8, 2012, approved the transfer of custody and control of the
Premises, less and except the Go Fish Tract, to the Georgia
Department of Agriculture, and requested the future transfer of the
Go Fish Tract to the custody of Department of Agriculture if it
ceases to be used as the Go Fish Education Center; and

The Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture on or about
September 10, 2012, agreed to accept the transfer of custody of the
Premises, less and except the Go Fish Tract, with the stipulation
that the Department of Agriculture cannot take any action that may
jeopardize the tax-exempt status of the State’s general obligation
bonds issued to finance the Premises (hereinafter the
“Stipulation”); and