Executive Order Detail

This executive order you see below is from the year 2011.

The content you see below is the result of an automated analysis of the original document. As a result it there may be artifacts or inaccuracies not present in the original. For more information, please visit the executive-orders project.












The State of Georgia holds title to all of that island of the State of Georgia,
County of Glynn, being known as Jekyll Island and the marshes and marsh
islands adjacent and adjoining the same; and

Under the authority of the laws of the State of Georgia, the above—mentioned
lands are leased to the Jekyll Island State Park Authority (the “Authority”) for
a term of 99 years, commencing February 13, 1950 (O.C.G.A. §12—3—241); and

The Department of Transportation, State of Georgia, is responsible for the
clearing, dredging, maintaining, widening, deepening, and improving of the
ports, seaports, and harbors of the State of Georgia (O.C.G.A. §32—2—2(18));

To best accomplish its statutory responsibilities, in order to accomplish
mitigation purposes related to the Brunswick Harbor Deepening Project, it
was desirable that the Department of Transportation have custody of that
portion of the lands which were leased to the Authority, said portion not
exceeding 60 acres, as shown on “Exhibit A” (the "Jekyll Acreage”); and

Custody of the Jekyll Acreage was transferred to the Department of
Transportation from the Governor, State of Georgia, by Executive Order
dated March 25, 2002; and

The Brunswick Harbor Deepening Project was reformulated in 2007, and as a
result, the US Army Corps of Engineers determined that there was no need
for the Jekyll Acreage to be set aside as mitigation for the project; and

The Corps of Engineers gave official notice to the Commissioner of the
Department of Transportation on March 25, 2011 of the release of the Jekyll
Island mitigation lands, including the Jekyll Acreage, as they were in excess
of the Brunswick Harbor Deepening Project’s needs; and

The Department has completed the necessary conversion of wetlands
pursuant to the Project Wetlands Mitigation Plan; and