Executive Order Detail

This executive order you see below is from the year 2011.

The content you see below is the result of an automated analysis of the original document. As a result it there may be artifacts or inaccuracies not present in the original. For more information, please visit the executive-orders project.










More than 2 million jobs support the economy of metropolitan Atlanta,
which is a driving force in the prosperity of the State of Georgia, and an
additional 2.8 million people are projected to live and work in the
region in the during the next three decades; and

The Statewide Strategic Transportation Plan indicates that Georgia’s
job growth and economic prosperity are linked to the state’s ability to
significantly increase the number of reliable commute options to major
job centers at the lowest costs possible; and

One of the most effective ways of accomplishing these outcomes is the
provision and management of efficient regional transit services that
meet the travel demands of Georgians, regardless of the county
boundaries that are crossed during the transit trip; and

Currentiy, the metropolitan Atlanta region has multiple transit entities
operating essentially independently, which leads to an uncoordinated
system that is confusing to transit users, falls short of achieving
economies of scale and cost efficiencies, does not provide a definitive
picture of return-on—investment to taxpayers, and produces a
disjointed message about the region's transit priorities; and

A regional transit governance model focused on coordination and
accountability would create a mechanism for driving needed
improvement of metro Atlanta’s existing and future transit services by
improving the effectiveness of commute alternatives, increasing cost
efficiencies and enabling the region and the state to speak with a
unified voice regarding the transit priorities of metropolitan Atlanta;

An effective transit governance model should recognize the need of
transit operators to be able to freely allocate their revenues in a way
that ensures maximum effectiveness toward reaching regional transit
goals and objectives; and