Executive Order Detail

This executive order you see below is from the year 2011.

The content you see below is the result of an automated analysis of the original document. As a result it there may be artifacts or inaccuracies not present in the original. For more information, please visit the executive-orders project.










The State of Georgia holds title to, and the Department of
Public Safety is the custodian of, 3.12 acres of real property
located at 19051 U.S. Highway 301 North in the City of
Statesboro, Bulloch County as described in Exhibit “A” (the
Premises), attached hereto and by reference made a part
hereof; and

Said Premises is the former site of the Georgia State Patrol
Post #45 in Statesboro; and

On January 10, 2005, the Department of Public Safety
relocated Post #45 to 10723 U. S. Highway 301 South; and

By Resolution dated December 19, 2006, the Board of Public
Safety declared a portion of the subject Premises surplus to
their needs, and the Board of Public Safety retained use of
portions of the Premises including the radio transmission
tower and certain storage and office space to house
communications equipment; and

By Resolution dated March 14, 2007, the Board of Driver
Services authorized the Commissioner of the Department of
Driver Services to seek the transfer of that portion of the
Premises not retained for use by the Department of Public
Safety in order to provide driver’s license services to the
citizens of Georgia; and

By resolution dated May 13, 2010, the Department of Public
Safety resolved that it no longer needs to retain use of the
radio transmission tower and certain storage and office space
portions of the Premises and declared surplus the entirety of
the Premises and has requested the transfer of custody of the
Premises to the Department of Driver Services; and