Executive Order Detail

This executive order you see below is from the year 2011.

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Due to the untimely passing of The Honorable Bobby Franklin, a
vacancy now exists in the 43rd District of Georgia House of
Representatives. Section 21-2-544 of the Official Code of Georgia
Annotated requires the Governor to issue a Writ of Election
whenever a vacancy exists during a time when the members of the
General Assembly shall be required to meet. Such Writ of Election
shall set a date for the special election not less than 30 nor more
than 60 days after its issuance. This Writ of Election to fill the
vacancy in District 43 of the Georgia House of Representatives is
issued today given that the Georgia General Assembly will be called
into Special Session during the month of August of 2011.

Therefore, pursuant to Article II, Section II, Paragraph V of the
Constitution and Section 21-2-544 of the Official Code of Georgia
Annotated, a Writ of Election is hereby issued to the Secretary of
State for a special election to be held on Tuesday, September 20,
2011, to fill the vacancy in District 43 of the Georgia House of

This 5 day of August, 2011.

Y\0°‘°ln.\ $ea.L.